Kung Fu Panda (age 4 to 6)
Kung Fu Panda with channeling for the body and mind potential. Our Kung Fu Panda classes focus on building children’s confidence, increase flexibility, improve balance and teach discipline. Children learn to respect themselves and others, gain mental and physical strength, and cultivate a healthy lifestyle. Students will get introduced to meditation so they can learn to meditate to calm their minds and refocus.

Kung Fu Tiger (age 7 to 11)
Kung Fu Tiger for potential and grit with body-mind training. Our Kung Fu Tiger classes help children to focus their energy, learn respect and discipline, and improve coordination, confidence, self-control, awareness, mindfulness and listening skills, in a fun, and positive environment. Students at this age will be guided to learning how to be leaders and assist others.

GBSC Kung Fu
GBSC (Golden Black Sash Champion Team) is our officially enrolled student body. After completing the basic program, students are nominated by other GBSC students or a leadership team member to join the GBSC program. The most important requirement to qualify for GBSC is dedication. Students must be committed to persevere before they can hope to attain the level of Golden Black Sash.
It takes about 3-5 years to complete the first GBSC program. Training becomes more advanced at this level, with more physically explosive open-hand forms, and increased callisthenic demands. GBSC students are taught various weapons techniques and higher level and challenge forms with a consistent experience of advanced self-defense tactics.