Patrick Barry Interview (Chinese/English) With Video

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Patrick Barry, nice to meet you


How is it going man, nice to meet you too.


Where are you from?


New Orleans Louisiana, born and raised


Born and raised, alright could you also give me a description about yourself and your family?


I come from a pretty tight nit family we all are with each other at all times. My family is my power source you know if it was not for them I would not be the man that I am today.  Born and raised in the lower ninth ward of New Orleans an area that was severely flooded out.  We are still close till this day like most families should be.


Absolutely, family comes first.


Yes, always


How did you get into Sanshou kickboxing?


I had always been a ninja since I was a kid. Every Halloween I had always wanted to be a ninja.  I idolized Van Damn movies growing up, ninja turtles, playing street fighter, making weapons and hiding them all over my house. I started kick boxing with Russell Jones in Baton Rouge as a hobby while I was going to college.  Then I went down to a fight in New Orleans and met Master Liu.  I did pretty well in a fight and asked him if I could train with him, follow in his footsteps and I have been with him ever since.


Speaking of Maser Liu, have you been to China with him?


I have been to China quite a few times with him all up and down the country. We have been all over the country and spent a lot of time there; probably about a year in total. We trained everywhere from the mountains to the Great Wall of China to the Shaolin Temple.


How many times have you been to China?


Probably maybe a total of 5 times, 5 or 6 times.  The shortest period of time was two weeks and up to five weeks at a time. Training, like I said at the Shaolin Temple around the monks, other students in China all the different wushu and kungfu students out in the mountains and the middle of nowhere.


How would you explain the difference in training and the time you spent in China in comparison with the United States?


The training here?  Oh we are very spoiled here.  Going to China was a big eye opener. We have luxuries like air conditioning and the decision making power to say do I want to show up or not show up. In China they are very strict and disciplined with what they do. Everybody out there works hard that’s like the training they do out there is not second nature it is first. They train first and their regular lives come later. They breath eat and sleep training. They are always in some type of training mode perfecting the body at all times.  Here we tend to be I do not want to call it spoiled but we have always had it this way, buildings, gear, air conditioning, lights.  Out there they are working harder than anyone I have come across with little to nothing.


Would you like to go back to China?


Oh absolutely, I would love to go back.  China is a big eye opener. You go out there and spend time with the students. You train with them and live the life to a certain extent and walk the path they do. When you come back here you have a completely different outlook on all of the luxuries and advantages that we have here. You really appreciate your life more here when you get back from China then when you’re out there.


I have never had the opportunity to be anywhere outside of the United States.


Man, you have got to go. China, Beijing, Hong Kong and Shanghai are all beautiful areas. Mainland China is where you will go and have a wakeup call, it is something else, indescribable.  There is no amount of book reading or going; I am just going to be hungry for a few days. There is nothing like going out there.  It will change your life.


The true experience


The true experience, the training is one thing but if you go out there you will learn a lot about yourself and what you are made of, what you are capable of doing, you will become extremely grounded and thankful for everything that we have here.


During some of these trips to China have you ever had any fights or any kind of sanctioned fighting?


I have had a lot of sparring matches in China.  I have had a lot of fights. My record on the internet is like 18-5-1 but in it is really close to 75 or 80 fights with 10 losses and a draw.  I have had fights all up and down China. Everywhere you can go and I have gone to war with a lot of guys.


Would you like to fight in China again?


Oh yeah, any day I would love to go back whenever I can when time and my schedule allows.  I think that should almost be a once a year venture for everybody but especially for myself for a few weeks at a time.


Have you fought in the World Sanshou Championship?


Yes sir, I have.


How did you do?


It hurt a lot. I did pretty well. I competed out there, maybe 2 or 3 times, and it is just different, they do not give up as easily.


CCTV had you with Master Liu in a documentary entitled “Shaolin Fighting Monk” in that documentary you fought in the 2003 art of war Sanshou championship.  How did you do?


I went down there early in the day and had a fight, then later that night I had a fight with Paul Gurevidius the Lithuanian Sanshou and kickboxing world champion.  That fight was the catalyst that helped me decide to pursue this completely.  Until then it was a great hobby, something that I really loved doing.  But after that fight throwing a high kick a minute and a half into the 2nd round and he falls down unconscious, and I win the title. I stood there and cried right in the middle of the ring and my mother jumped in and gave me a hug, then started jumping up and down. But that was the fight that helped me decide to pursue this all the way.


So in 2003 you had a fight that changed your life and moved you into professional fighting, you trained with Master Liu.


I could no longer deny it anymore.  I tell everybody that if you are great at something you should follow it with all your heart and might. Just unplug yourself from the matrix and go for it.  That is what the whole “Hype or Die” is all about, just go for it, and give it everything you have got. Until then I had been doing it as a hobby, it was fun and something I enjoyed doing but I had not submerged myself into it completely.  That fight was the one where I could not deny it anymore.  I said “Man, I am really good at this” and if I put more effort into it I can really do something.


After moving into professional fighting I understand that you fought in K1. How many years did you fight in K1?


I fought in K-1 for a few years. I have had professional kickboxing fights going on maybe 9 years now since I started, since I threw my very first punch. I have also had a lot of kickboxing matches in China outside of K1. Sanshou kickboxing and any other type and I have competed all over the place.


You have also fought in MMA how many years have you been fighting in MMA and how have you done?


I have done 2 years of MMA so far and I have record of 5 wins and two losses.  I started off with three fights in Green Bay those fights lasted six kicks and a total of three minutes.  Three first round knockouts. Then I got called into the UFC where I have had 2 wins and 2 losses.


So from this moment going forward what kind of plans do you have for the future?


Like I have always said, I just want to be a ninja so I am going to pursue this to the max with every fiber of my being, but all in all when it comes down to it I come from a family of teachers. That is all I have really wanted to do if I can pass on a part of myself to someone else and help influence anybody in a positive manner it does not matter. It’s like the Shaolin way I just want to help the rest of the world grow. I want them to realize there are a lot of limitations that they have placed on themselves that are not true. I can only be this fast. I can only be this smart. I can never do better than this and none of that is true. it is a lot of self-imposed restrictions that are not really real. Like Morpheus says “some rules can be bent some rules can be broken”. That is a real live statement we place restrictions on ourselves that are not real we can do anything we want to al long as you give it all you have got.  That is all I have ever wanted to do is to help unplug as many people as possible, get enough people to realize their potential and that we are all great beings. Humans are just amazing creatures, and I think that people have lost a sense of that. People as a whole as time goes on are programmed to believe we are supposed to fail. Like, it really is easy to give up, failing is easy.  Doing great, that is tough. Getting into the UFC, easy, staying in the UFC, that is really hard.  Being great at something one time, no problem, continuously becoming better and growing that is the hard part. That is what people tend to do from what I see, they have self-imposed limitations. They give themselves these little goals that are not achievable in their own minds so when they do not achieve them they are not surprised like that is supposed to happen. That is why I am trying to help as many people as possible, influence them into knowing that is not true and you can do anything you want to.  It is going to suck achieving it, it is going to suck the whole time.  That whole road you need to go down to be great is gonna suck, but that is what makes it worth it.  If it was easy we would all be doing it.


Ok Patrick, thank you for taking the time to talk with us.


Thank you all too

亚特兰大 新闻




Patrick 哥们 怎么样?很高兴见到你


Patrick:路易斯安娜 新奥尔良市 在那出生在那长大。


P:我来自一个紧紧团结在一起的家庭 不管有什么事都在一起,我的家庭就是我的力量的源泉,如果不是他们的话我也不会有今天。我出生在新奥尔良,第9区,那个地方被洪水(2005 Hurricane淹过,我们家一直都紧紧的团结在一起就像别人家一样。


P 绝对的,应该这样!


P:我自己认为我从小就是一个忍者,每个万圣节我总是装扮成忍者,我从小就崇拜Van Damn 动作片,总装扮成忍者神龟,玩着街头展示的把戏。做武器,家里面各个角落都放着我的武器,在我上大学的时候,我跟随Russell JonesBaton Rouge练习几个月踢打功,那时只是一个爱好,然后我回新奥尔良,找到了Master ,我参加了他的比赛,我表现的不错,然后我强烈要求跟随刘师傅训练,然后我就一直跟随着他,我一直从那个时候跟随着他到现在。




Patrick: 大概5—6次,一次最少的是两个礼拜到五个礼拜,我在少林寺和少林弟子们一起训练,和中国其他的武术学生训练,在山上训练,还包括一些没有人烟的地方训练。


Patrick:在这里(美国)训练啊?哦!我觉得我们都被宠惯坏了,到中国是一个大开眼界的地方。在这里我们有奢侈的空调,而且我有权利随时决定我想去训练 还是不想去训练,但是在中国,一切都是非常严格的,你做什么都是有很高的纪律约束的,每个人都非常努力的训练,不像第二本能,更像第一本能,训练第一, 生 活第二。他们呼吸、吃饭、睡觉一切都是为了训练,他们总是在训练的状态中,随时都在完善自己的身体素质,我不想说我们是倾向于惯坏了的,但是其实我们一直 都是这样的,有一个好房子,又有训练的护身,又有空调,还有明亮的灯光,在中国他们比我看到的任何人都努力,尽管他们只有很少一点点的辅助器具,他们还是 随时都在都训练。


P:绝对的啊!我很想回到中国,跟他们一起吃饭 一起住。那真是大开眼界,等你回来的时候你会看到完全不同的人生观,对这些奢侈的优越的东西你会有完全不同的看法,你会更加珍惜你的生活。


Patrick:哥们!你得去中国到北京香港上海 还有很多美丽的地方。当你到中国大陆的时候会让你顿时觉悟,确实是不可思议的地方。没有任何书可以告诉你是什么滋味。你需要亲身体验中国的生活,它会改变你的一生。






Patrick:当然了啊! 不管什么时候只要我的时间安排允许的话,任何时间我都会去,对每个人来说,每年都应该去一次,特别对我来说,每次去最少几个礼拜。


Patrick:当然了 我参加过,


Patrick:我表现的很好 但是也受到了一些挑战,我打了两三场比赛,跟这里的比赛不同,那些斗士不会轻易的认输!


Patrick:那次比赛我一大就早去了,并且赢了全国比赛冠军,晚上参加了职业赛,和Paul Gurevidius打 了最精彩的一场比赛,他是世界搏击的欧洲冠军和世界冠军,那场比赛迅速让我决定,我将参加职业比赛,也开始了我参加世界比赛的职业生涯,在那之前我只是喜 欢作为一个业余爱好,但是在进入第二局的一分半以后,我踢了几个高腿他立刻倒下不醒人事,我赢了世界冠军,我站在拳台中间哭了,我妈妈也跳过来拥抱我,上下的欢跳,那场比赛决定我将不断追求职业比赛的道路,这一幕中国中央电视台演过。


Patrick:从那以后我不在拒绝承认我的职业搏击生涯,我不再把这事推打到一边。 我告诉每一个人如果你有光明的潜在能力,你应该从角落走出来,追逐您的理想,放开一切,追逐到底。这就是我不成功便成仁这理念的一切来源,这就是说必须要走到底,把你的一切解数都拿出来,在这之前我只是个爱好者,从这以后我就把我的全部心血投入到职业搏击,那一场 孙子兵法散打)大赛是我决定性的一场比赛,是我不能再拒绝职业搏击生涯的一场比赛,我确定了自己对这方面擅长,如果我把心血放上去我就会成功做一番事业出来。


Patrick 我打了好几年的k1,最少有6-7场,还打了散打和自由搏击,和泰拳,能参加的比赛都参加了。我的职业搏击生涯从开始到现在已经九年了,在k1 以外 我还在中国打了很多的职业比赛

Tom:你是不是还参加了MMA 打了多少年,成绩怎么样?

Patrick:目前为止我打了两年的MMA,成绩是52负,我在绿湾还打了三场MMA 一场最多只出了6腿,就击倒对方,这三场比赛中每一场比赛都没有超过1分钟就击倒了对方,最初的3场比赛都是击倒性获胜,然后UFC看好我并且打电话给我,我现在目前得战绩是两胜两负。


Patrick 就像我常说的一样,我总是想当一名忍者,我将不惜一切的追求我的理想,用我每一个细胞每一个纤维来追求,但是终究来说我的家庭是教师家庭,那还是我终究想 干的事业,如果我可以把我自己的一些东西传授给别人,正面的影响别人,其他的都不重要了,这就像少林精神一样,我想帮助这个世界的成长,我想引导他们,让他们注意到,他们自己给自己下了阻碍认为“我只能够这么快,只能这么聪明,我永远不会比这做的更好“那其实不是真的,那是自己给自己下了一个圈套来限制 自己,这种圈套根本就不存在,自以为有,其实没有(就像Morpheus说:“有的规矩可以有韧性,有的戒律可以打破,这是 实实在在的一句话,我们自己把自己给框住了,而且这个框架其实是不存在的。 我 们会做成功任何事情,只要我们把我们的全部的心血放进去。我一生就想帮助更多的人,让他们放开自己,让尽量多的人都意识到他们自己的潜在能力,我们都是伟 大的生物,人类是非常了不起的,我认为很多人失去了那种意识,对许多人总的来说,都是在生活上程序化了自己,认为失败是应该的。当然了放弃是非常容易的, 失败也是非常容易的,成功是非常艰难的。 就像我自己进入UFC是非常简单的,在UFC 直打下去是非常困难的,一时的成气,没有问题,但是要想不断的进取继续成长是非常难的,这就是我常常观察到人们所做的事情他们给自己下了圈套,他们给自己 很小的目标,认为小目标都是不可以获取成功的,不相信自己会成功,当他们没有成功的时候,他们没有感到惊奇,似乎事情就是应该这样,这是正常的。这就是我为什么要帮助更多人的原因,影响他们让他们知道,那些不是事实,只要你下决心你就可以做到。 当然了在成功的路上,也会沮丧,一路上会遇到很多困难,成功之路是 艰难的,这就是他的价值所在,如果是那么简单的话所有人都会去做的。

