“Buddy Up for a Better Body” Fitness Buddy Contest

For Immediate Press Release:

Date: 04/01/2011

Contact:  770-286-9808, 251-662-3225, 504-835-1877; www.shaolin-world.net

LIU International Shaolin Institute challenges the Community to “Buddy Up for a Better Body” Fitness Buddy Contest for Healthy Bodies & Healthy Minds.

The institute has designed this unique program to introduce to Americans “A Taste of Shaolin” way to lose weight and gain great fitness.  

The institute invites all health conscious individuals to get healthy, lose weight, de-stress and to have fun while doing it. The institute offers a great opportunity with a contest program of three months of Cardio Kickboxing, Meditation, Tai Gong and Nutrition Planning and Consultation for free. “We challenge each one of you to team up and pair up with friends, spouses or even sons or daughters for a healthy mind and body” said the coordinator of the institute.

The contest is aimed at weight loss and getting in shape.  The institute hopes that each health conscious individual will tell friends and family members this message:  “I Challenge You.” for better health.  As the contest states, winner from each training campus will be awarded $200 in cash, plus $900.00 Shaolin Scholarship & a Champion Certificate.

Many world MMA and MA champions like Cung Le and Patrick Barry etc. started their training here with US National Kung Fu SanShou Kickboxing Team under Shaolin Grand Master Deru (Master Shawn Liu.). It is the institute firm belief all contestants who strive for their best potential can reach that champion platform too

Training will take place at all Shaolin Institute campuses from April 15th to July 15th (will extend up to July 30th for any late starters) A conference will be hosted in mid August to announce the winner.   A certificate will be issued to all participants who complete the program.  This contest is a first step to the path of a healthy mind, body and spirit.


Rules and Regulations: winner will be the one who losses most weight in 90 days through perseverance, self-control and discipline.  Winner must complete the 90-day minimum duration of the program.

All contestants will be evaluated and measured at the beginning of the training and at the end of the three months period. Measurements will include, but not limited to, body fat & lean body mass analysis such as body fat loss vs. lean body mass, blood pressure & heart rate monitoring etc.


Entry Fee:

Contestant’s entry registration fee is $99. A portion of the proceeds goes to St. Jude Children’s Hospital & the rest goes to Shaolin scholarship funds with which the institute has helped thousands of people in needs for the past 10 years. All 3 months training and health service programs will be free to all participants. For information & questions, please call:  770-2869808, 251-662-3225; or visit www.shaolin-world.net


About LIU International DeRu Shaolin Institute: The Institute is committed to promoting original Shaolin Martial Arts passed down generationally for more than 1,500 years. Shaolin Kung Fu is taught with age-appropriate curriculum: Shaolin Kungfu, Tai Chi, Qigong , Chan (Zen) Meditation, major schools of Chinese wisdom, Chinese culture, Extreme Kickboxing for better body, Sanshou, Qinna (grappling) Shuaijiao(wrestling)… The instructors at each campus are committed to life-long learning at the direction of Grand Master Deru. There 5 campus locations in Georgia, Alabama, and Louisiana. www.shaolin-world.net