Summer Camp
To Unveil Each Child's Greatest Potentiality
Shaolin Institute Summer Camp
This summer, the Shaolin Institute Atlanta Campus will be again hosting its annual Summer Camp! This year’s summer camp theme is Creative Gong Fu Arts of Body & Mind in Action. Over the course of this program, students will develop their inner wisdom, connect with their innermost consciousness, and instigate their minds to unveil the genius within.

Our Focuses
Students in our camp this year will develop their minds and bodies through active participation in a variety of Arts and Science in both theory and experiments. Our students will: practice Chinese paper cutting and calligraphy, learn about traditional and contemporary music of various origin, participate in Chinese & other languages classes, view and actually participate in making films and listen, learn and make to inspiring stories in arts and science and greatest minds of both the East and that of the West , and engage in martial arts of Gong Fu as Bruce Lee did in his lifetime.
The Golden Child Project
This year’s summer camp will serve as the launching point for the development of our Golden Child Program. The purpose of this program, which is still in its refinement phase, is to invite all children from all walks of life to expand their inner consciousness, instigate and inspire a positive flow of energy and intentionality in their minds, and to reveal the greatest potential and genius within.
Intelligence and brightness with great compassion and love in resonance with the conscious matrix of the cosmos where all energy and potentiality, visible and invisible, formless and forms are intertwined and inter connected into holistic Oneness.

Classes & Activities
- Martial Arts
- Arts & Crafts
- Chinese Language Classes
- Movies and Storytelling
- Music Appreciation
- Intensive Camp